Members Online: 8


PRINCIPLES A. UP-TO-DATE AND NON-FICTITIOUS ADS The management system BQUARTO allows for the detection and elimination of all the ads which are not up-to-date and which possess the characteristics of being fictitious. B. ADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR OBJECTIVES BQUARTO eliminates all the ads which are not in accordance with the Demand/Supply of Rooms or Apartments Share Ads with fictitious contacts will also be eliminated. C. COEHERENCE BQUARTO allows ALL the BasicMembers to: - have access to the contacts (email address and/or telephone number) of any PlusMember. - contact with ALL the Members through pre-defined messages. BQUARTO allows the PlusMembers to have access to the contacts (email, telephone number and/or address) of ALL the Ads. D. DATA PROTECTION BQUARTO DOES NOT share data with other companies. The data of your Ad can be changed and eliminated by you, at any time.
Rooms + Flats share


BQUARTO ® Marca Registrada
España 2025